

At OLHC we aim to be proactive in the Wellbeing space. We believe in building strength and equipping our students with the skills they need to thrive at school and throughout life. We have a pivotal role to play in fostering an environment where every member of the community is valued and feels safe. 

Our work is aligned with the DOBCEL Student Wellbeing Framework with a focus on: 

  • Building a school culture conducive to optimal wellbeing;
  • Developing inclusive, supportive relationships;
  • Providing evidence-based social and emotional learning; 
  • Fostering learner agency and empowering student voice
  • Building strong family and community partnerships. 

Social and emotional learning takes place weekly in every classroom and is based on the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) materials. In 2025, the DOBCEL Relationships and Sexuality materials will be implemented through our Wellbeing curriculum. Please see our SEL page for further information.

To support classroom learning, additional support is provided for students in the development of social skills, emotional regulation and other wellbeing needs. A school counsellor is available two days a week and in 2025, a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) has been appointed through the Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) initiative to work on a whole school approach to wellbeing. This role includes staff wellbeing, whole class support, small group interventions and family engagement.

Some initiatives we have in place to support student wellbeing are:

  • Buddy program
  • Passive play activities at lunchtime
  • Brain breaks
  • Mindfulness
  • Hands on learning